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CE Team Bible Study

Starting in 2018 we provide a regular club-wide family Bible study led by Coach Lyn Adams, one of the founding CE coaches.  These studies deepen our knowledge and relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Our coaches & top teams are required to participate to keep our entire program focused on our top priority of discipling our players. We demonstrate the application of God's Word to our sport each session.

James 1: 1-27 September 27, 2018

James is a short book of the Bible where James helps to provide insight on how people should accept God's Word and apply it to their lives, in a period of time where their was much debate about the authority of Jesus, as well as much persecution for those whom chose to accept Jesus as their Savior.

Key topics in Chapter 1 include:

Seeking God's wisdom in dealing with trials

Understanding the blessing of trials

Differences between trials and temptations

Taming our tongue

James 2: 1-24 Oct 25, 2018

Key topics in Chapter 2 include:

The importance of not showing favoritism 

The Royal Rule- treat others as you would treat thy self; breaking this commandment is just as bad as any other sin

Faith and deeds discussion

James 3: 1-13 March 8, 2019

Key topics in Chapter 3 include:

We are given control over a great deal of things, yet we find it impossible to keep control over our own tongue. How are we to honor God with what we say? Why should we seek to be wise in this matter?

James 4: 1-12 March 20, 2019

Key topics in Chapter 4 include:

Submitting ourselves to God means that we must work to not be drawn to things of this world. We should humble ourselves and recognize that God opposes the proud.

James 4: 13-17 April 18, 2019

James 4: 13-17 April 8th, 2019

Key topics in Chapter 4:13-17 include:

When we presume we know what happens tomorrow, we are being arrogant toward God. The Lord tells us to focus on today.

James 5: 1-13 May 6, 2019

Key topics in Chapter 5:1-13 include:

God's Word says BE PATIENT. But, why is that so hard? Also, why the warnings about being "rich"? We dive into these to topics in this study.

James 4: 13-17 April 8th, 2019

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